2008 Will Look Like Child’s Play

This is Going to Shock People!”: Avi Gilburt and Bob Prechter Chat

“It’s going to make 2008 look like child’s play,” says ElliottWave Trader’s Avi Gilburt when discussing the precarious balance sheets of U.S. banks with Elliott Wave International’s Robert Prechter.

In the just-released webinar “A Fireside Market Chat with Robert Prechter & Avi Gilburt,” Gilburt shares the story of his year-and-a-half study of U.S. banks and said what he discovered “is going to shock people.” You can learn the disturbing details of his findings by accessing the webinar for free.

Before I show you how to get free access, let me share a few nugget-sized insights about other topics from the webinar.

Prechter on Stocks: “The S&P is the most over owned thing in the entire world. When this thing unravels, it’s going to be epic.”

Gilburt also sees a “major, major top” in stocks ahead, yet you’ll learn in the webinar why he may stick with the stock market for a time longer.

Gilburt on Treasuries: “Ultimately, I’m not a fan of holding anything long-term in Treasuries. You want to hold something short-term, that’s great. Treasuries even have a certificate of indebtedness, I believe, but they pay no interest. It’s just for the Treasury to hold it for you. I don’t see a point in that because my fear is the rates are going to be rising because people are going to lose trust in the government’s ability to pay their debts on time. When that happens, we run the potential, and I know nobody’ll believe this is even possible. But when you look at where our general debt is and where you look at what the federal government can afford now, we’re probably going to get to a point in time where the government can’t afford to pay the interest on its debt.”

Prechter on the Fed: “[Alan Greenspan] got frustrated because people were yelling at him for keeping their interest rate at zero for so long. He said, ‘We didn’t do that. The market did.’ It’s the first time a governor has ever spilled the beans and admitted that they just follow the market. It was awesome.”

Also, get a specific outlook as Prechter and Gilburt discuss gold & silver.

You’re in for a real treat as you watch the entire hour and forty-minute webinar with two of the most renowned Elliotticians on the planet. Follow this link to get free access to “A Fireside Market Chat with Robert Prechter & Avi Gilburt” now.