Deflation Threat

Why the Threat of Deflation is Real “The Federal Reserve is forging ahead with its balance sheet reduction” I know — inflation has been grabbing all the headlines for a good while now — so you may wonder why the subject of deflation is relevant. First, the definitions of inflation and deflation go beyond commonly… Read more Deflation Threat

Tighter Lending Standards for Bank Loans

“Banks are becoming more cautious about lending” And the implications are bigger than just getting a loan Robert Prechter’s Last Chance to Conquer the Crash discusses the psychological aspect of a deflation: When the trend of social mood changes from optimism to pessimism, creditors, debtors, investors, producers and consumers all change their primary orientation from… Read more Tighter Lending Standards for Bank Loans

NFTs and Tulip Mania

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): A Replay of Holland’s “Tulip Mania”? The NFT Index is down more than 55% from its November high. It seems the financial world has gone a little crazy — maybe a lot crazy. Specifically, I’m talking about non-fungible tokens or NFTs for short. You may be familiar with them, but in case… Read more NFTs and Tulip Mania

Corporate Bankruptcies

Why U.S. Corporate Bankruptcies Could Skyrocket “U.S. bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2021 and all of 2020 were above the 13-year average” An April 17 article headline on the website of National Public Radio says: U.S Economy Looking Good As Spending Jumps In March And, on April 29, The New York Times said: Americans’… Read more Corporate Bankruptcies

Non-Fungible Tokens Mania

Cryptos: What the “Bizarre” World of Non-Fungible Tokens May Be Signaling The world of cryptos includes something known as non-fungible tokens, which go by the acronym NFTs. If you’re unfamiliar with them, they’re a bit bizarre but quite simple. Here’s what the April Global Market Perspective, a monthly Elliott Wave International publication which covers 50+… Read more Non-Fungible Tokens Mania

Trump vs Biden

The U.S. presidential election is just days away. What does the stock market say about who is likely to win? Which party would be better for the stock market and the economy? And how can you anticipate trends in politics, the economy and broader society going forward, regardless of who wins? Get deeply researched answers… Read more Trump vs Biden