Insane Optimism in Stocks

How “Insane Optimism” is at Work in the Stock Market “Stock investors are so bullish that they are…” Many technical indicators are highly useful, yet the price moves of the stock market really boil down to two things: optimism and pessimism. Major trend turns tend to occur when extremes are reached in either optimism or… Read more Insane Optimism in Stocks

Next Shoe to Drop: Corporate Bonds

Corporate Bonds: “The Next Shoe to Drop” “The neckline has been broken over the last few days” A “calamity” is likely ahead for corporate bonds, says our head of global research, Murray Gunn. Some of Murray’s analysis involves the head and shoulders, a classic technical chart pattern. In case you’re unfamiliar with it, here’s an… Read more Next Shoe to Drop: Corporate Bonds

M2 Money Supply Deflates

U.S. Money Supply Deflates 2% Annually (What That Means) The debt bomb implodes: Expect recession and deflation Many pundits have expressed worry about the ramifications of global debt — and rightly so. As the Wall Street Journal noted toward the end of 2022: The world has amassed $290 trillion of debt and it’s getting more… Read more M2 Money Supply Deflates

Housing Market Top

How This Pattern from the Prior Housing Bust is Repeating Here’s when homes will likely sell for once-in-a-lifetime bargains Just like the gold “in them thar hills” motivated people from all walks of life to become miners way back when, real estate booms have motivated people from far and wide to become agents. In both… Read more Housing Market Top

Retail Investors Jump In

U.S. Stocks: Why Acting Independently Has Never Been More Important “Individual investors have been snapping up stocks at the fastest pace on record” More than 20 years ago, when I was working for another company, I remember hearing a colleague say that he doesn’t look at his monthly 401k statements. The implication was clear: He… Read more Retail Investors Jump In

Gold Price and Inflation

Gold and Inflation: Here’s a Market Myth “If you believe in Gold as a consumer price inflation hedge then…” Back in the days of the Roman Empire, an ounce of gold could buy a Roman a well-made toga, belt and finely crafted sandals. In modern day Rome, lo and behold, a businessman can become sharply… Read more Gold Price and Inflation

Deflation Threat

Why the Threat of Deflation is Real “The Federal Reserve is forging ahead with its balance sheet reduction” I know — inflation has been grabbing all the headlines for a good while now — so you may wonder why the subject of deflation is relevant. First, the definitions of inflation and deflation go beyond commonly… Read more Deflation Threat

Tighter Lending Standards for Bank Loans

“Banks are becoming more cautious about lending” And the implications are bigger than just getting a loan Robert Prechter’s Last Chance to Conquer the Crash discusses the psychological aspect of a deflation: When the trend of social mood changes from optimism to pessimism, creditors, debtors, investors, producers and consumers all change their primary orientation from… Read more Tighter Lending Standards for Bank Loans